Alita: Battle Angel Trailer

Arms of an angel!

I feel like I heard rumblings of this, maybe because of my non stop checking in on the comings and goings of Mahershala Ali, but, this trailer for Alita: Battle Angel, completely blew me away.  In a world of sub par Justice League visuals, it's exciting to see seamless blending of CGI and live action acting.

I'm willing to look past Jennifer Connelly being in this movie because she killed it in Spider-Man: Homecoming and Mahershala and Christoph Waltz are my jam!  I'm also already drawn in by Rosa Salazar in the lead and I kind of remember her run on Man Seeking Woman.  Add in Jakcie Earle Haley, aka the guy who brought to life one of the best comic book characters ever, and the woke Ed Skrein who was cool in Deadpool and  I'm sold.

Chances are this movie will disappoint, but I'm on board for the time being.  Looking forward to this one!