10 of the Best Spike Lee Films

Up until a week ago I thought I wasn't a Spike Lee fan.  I thought I only liked a couple of Spike Lee joints.  Turns out I can name more than 10 movies by Spike that I really like.  Can I really keep hating?

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I should have called it when I did my favourite Denzel Washington films list.  My research had me realizing that every time Denzel and Shelton connected it was dope!  Let's go through 10 of my favourite Spike Lee films as an apology.

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Summer of Sam (1999)

Why, Though:
The biggest plus to for this movie is that it isn't instantly recognizable as a Spike Lee movie.  It's not the typical Spike cast.  No Denzel, no Wesley, and John Turturro only gets to do voice work.  I like that this movie feels different and shows some versatility.  Spike taking on a "based on true events" type movie and broadening the scope of his story telling.  The downside is that it feels longer than it's 2 hours and 20 odd minutes.  Not great when you're checking the clock during a movie.

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 25th Hour (2002)

Why, Though:
I just now realized that one of the Game of Thrones writers wrote the book this movie is based on and gets writer credit.  Truth be told this felt like one of those "I've seen this and don't need to revisit" type of movies.  I think it's good and it's got a helluva cast but some movies just come off that way.  My favourite part was when they pull a Do the Right Thing and cut to a bunch of people letting out their true racist.  It's jarring and shakes up what can be seen as a pretty slow moving movie.

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Inside Man (2006)

Why, Though:
My good friend Jake, who has discussed Slumdog Millionaire and The Guard with me, hated this movie.  But I don't know why.  It's got Denzel, Chewitel, Clive, and even Jodie Foster.  Did I mention Toronto's own, Christopher Plummer?  If you can't have a good time watching these amazing actors go to work in a heist movie where you've got skin in the game on both sides, I can't help you.  However, I could have done without the weird interlude that seemed to be bashing 50 Cent out of nowhere.  


Crooklyn (1994)

Why, Though:
Realistically I'll watch anything with Alfre Woodard. So it's a good thing she's been in Civil War, Luke Cage, and a Star Trek movie!  However, I mostly love the soundtrack for this movie and the scene where Alfre Woodard's daughter jumps on the bed and sings about keeping her pyjamas clean.  In all seriousness, yes I love that scene, but I mostly like how I could drop into pretty much any scene in this movie and enjoy the ride.  There's something about seeing a family that looks like mine, even though they're not going through the same things as my family, that feels comforting.

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Mo' Better Blues (1990)

Why, Though:
As I said, I'm all in for the Denzel and Spike Lee collaborations.  This movie also has a "cross over" appeal as Wesley Snipes appears in this movie too!  So that's good news for women like my mother and good news for people who like to see actors and characters compete with each other.  I also really like movies about musicians so this movie has that going for it.  But I hate how insensitive Denzel comes off as in this movie, and then he loses it all with an unfortunate injury to his lip.  Why couldn't this be a fun cross over event like Infinity War... oh.

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He Got Game (1998)

Why, Though:
I tried not to like this movie.  I thought... how good could this be.  But Between's Ryan Allen really caped for this movie back in the day so I watched it a couple of years after it had come out.  It's pretty good!  Especially if you factor in that Denzel was really trying to beat Ray Allen in that final 1-on-1.  I can't lie, I'm a sucker for a good sports movie.  And while this movie doesn't involve using the flying V to win the game, there is a big game that has some serious stakes at the end and Marvel's Rosario Dawson is doing something different in this movie.

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Jungle Fever (1991)

Why, Though:
While I love this movie's story and the interesting cast, this movie belongs to Samuel L. Jackson.  It is one of my favourite Sammy J performances, and he really energizes the movie.  It's hard not to take the over the top final scene for Wesley Snipes out of context and call the whole movie over the top.  If you can look past some of the ham-fisted line deliveries you'll see There are some interesting things going on throughout the movie that make the overall film feel more elevated than just a bad late night sketch about white women dating black men.


Bamboozled (2000)

Why, Though:
This used to be my favourite movie, let alone, Spike Lee movie.  The truth is I'm scared to re-watch it lest I see that I was just the right age to see a movie that had some nuance but probably is a lot more broad than I'd like today.  The idea for the movie also seems less far fetched now too.  Damon Wayans tries to get fired by putting the most racist thing ever on TV... black men in black face... the problem is his white higher ups love the show and Mantan & Sleep'n Eat become nation wide stars.  Is it a comedy?  Let the tears of two men selling out their race as they put on their make up decide for you!

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Malcolm X (1992)

Why, Though:
Another marathon of a movie from Spike Lee, only this time, your boy Denzel is there with you putting on an acting clinic and sometimes out Malcoming Malcom.  I remember my parents took me to the theatre to see this meaning I was probably like 6.  I still liked the visuals then, but when I re-watched it recently on blu-ray I was still happy the movie held up.

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Do The Right Thing (1989)

Why, Though:
I don't think anyone could disagree with this choice.  It seems like the obvious choice, because it's that well made.  Maybe also because it comes so early in Spike's filmography that you're not catching tropes or the like.  You can just enjoy a movie that is still releant like 29 years later.  A moment of silence for Radio Raheem, please.  That scene always gets me, especially when you see it play out in real life...