Ranking Batman's Cinematic Rogues Gallery (Worst to Best)
Batman probably has the best villains in the comic book universe. They're so good that Arrow decided to just use those villains instead of making new ones or using which ever villains are associated with Green Arrow. In the interest of my sanity, though, I'm only going to rank villains who appear in Burton, Schumacher, and Nolan films. Sorry 40s, 60s, and animated film fans.
The chains are poetic really
#18- Bane (Batman & Robin [1997])
What I liked:
Ummm... he almost beat up everyone in the movie. Although, on the real when he took down the Bat signal that was pretty cool.
What I didn't like:
I assume that the higher ups on this film decided that Bane looked strong and they needed someone to mix it up with Batman, Robin, and Batgirl in the movie so they just picked him. Bane isn't just the muscle, even though Christopher didn't fare much better in that department. I suppose the most upsetting factor was how in-articulate Bane was. Although detractors of a future entry may say, "It's better to say nothing than to speak and have people say 'WHAT DID HE SAY???'"
#17- Mr. Freeze (Batman & Robin [1997])
What I liked:
Well it was Arnold Schwarzenegger in a movie I was allowed to see in theaters so that was good. I also liked his hide out with Vivica Fox and singing henchmen.
What I didn't like:
As a kid, I couldn't rightfully say I hated the puns, but as I look back some of these puns are just dumb. Is kicking ice a thing? I get that they can't use certain language but there had to be a better cold related pun to use given the restrictions. I suppose that's the movie in a nutshell. A kids movie trying hard to have it both ways and failing.
#16- Poison Ivy (Batman & Robin [1997])
What I liked:
Not only do I like Pulp Fiction, but I like Uma Thurman in that film. So by the laws of liking someone already I suppose her portrayal had that going for it. Also my mom liked her make up and nails... so once again, her portrayal had that going for it.
What I didn't like:
It's not really Uma's fault. She and Arnie clearly clued into the fact that the script called for going full Julie Newmar/Catwoman acting style despite the films that came before it. It's just a shame. I'd also like to take this time to say that Robin could have been considered an antagonist for how much grief he causes Batman throughout his time on screen.
#15- Talia Al Ghul (The Dark Knight Rises [2012])
What I liked:
The fact that we can say that Talia Al Ghul was on the big screen. That is all.
What I didn't like:
How dare you try to lie to us, Marion Cotillard. You flat out denied being Talia. You lost mad points for that. Also, in the comics you (and Catwoman for that matter) give birth to Batman's child. I thought that was the point of showing that you and Bruce knocked boots in this film. But nope. You just died like 3 minutes after being revealed.
Oh yeah! Walken was in a Batman movie... he seems fuzzy on the details too.
#14- Max Shreck (Batman Returns [1992])
What I liked:
There is never much to dislike about a Christopher Walken performance. He does what everyone at this point expects of him and it's spooky while somehow coming off as playful all at once. He really went for it in terms of just throwing Selina out of the window which was impressive at the time.
What I didn't like:
He's just not that memorable. While still not being as goofy as anyone from Batman & Robin, Shreck still isn't that good of a character to be ranked any higher on this list.
#13- Selina Kyle (The Dark Knight Rises [2012])
What I liked:
I enjoyed what Anne Hathaway did with this character, don't get me wrong. I especially loved that her goggles flipped up and created cat ears- the right stuff to borrow from Julie Newmar style Catwoman. Moreover, her first scene stealing from Bruce was all that and a bag of chips! Even though she's ranked pretty low she is still a pretty cool character overall.
What I didn't like:
This comes down to preference. I prefer Catwoman to be portrayed as a thief who gets under Batman's skin and causes him to constantly lament how stringent he is about doling out justice. Because of that, Selina (who is never referenced as Catwoman) is a cool character but barely registers as a bad guy per se. She becomes a full on side kick with little to no ambiguity as to her true allegiances.
#12- Two-Face (Batman Forever [1995])
What I liked:
He was a lot more fun than I thought he was going to be. Tommy Lee Jones truly did a great Jack Nicholson's Joker impression. It was just different enough to not merit a full on comparison.
What I didn't like:
The villains in Batman Forever never really instilled much fear. Two-Face had intense plans but was too busy acting manic for me to register anything he did as particularly menacing. I suppose that's the whole kid's movie parading as a comic book movie problem again. And not for nothing, but, my boy, Billy Dee Williams, already had that Harvey Dent role, bruh! What gives with the re-cast?
#11- Sal Maroni (The Dark Knight [2008])
What I liked:
I was just happy that Maroni wasn't a foot-note in a movie that featured two more widely known villains. While not creating as big of waves as his villain co-stars, Sal at least was used effectively throughout the film. If nothing else, it put Eric Roberts back on my radar. Or on my radar for the first time? Who knows...
What I didn't like:
There's a finite amount of interest that a mob boss can drum up in a Batman film. It gets even more difficult when that mob boss is sharing screen time with Joker. So while I can't point to big problems with the portrayal, all I can say is it is hard to justify putting him any higher up.
#10- Scarecrow (Batman Begins [2005])
What I liked:
Now that's how you make a pun... kind of... The point is, against all odds, Mr. Nolan made Scarecrow work in his almost realistic world. Cillian Murphy didn't make the cut in terms of playing Batman, but ended up in all the films anyway! Good on him!
What I didn't like:
Visually interesting but was only used properly in his first film appearance and definitely not a big enough draw to headline (villain wise) a film.
#9- Riddler (Batman Forever [1995])
What I liked:
Hate if you want, but I dig Jim Carrey! It was fun watching him go to work in a Batman film and I will make no apologies for feeling that way! What did you think you were going to get when the only prominent reference point was Frank Gorshin's portrayal? Just admit he was funny and fun.
What I didn't like:
He just didn't feel menacing ever. he can't even punch properly!
#8- Ra's Al Ghul (Batman Begins [2005])
What I liked:
Who doesn't like watching Liam Neeson play a mentor who eventually has to die? I also really liked when he called Thomas Wayne for not doing what was necessary to stay alive. I don't even think he's right. I just like that he went there; that's how you villain, DAWG!
What I didn't like:
The science of the microwave emitter plan just seemed flawed. Not really a portrayal flaw but it's still the plan that was written for him. I did not like him reappearing in The Dark Knight Rises either.
#7- Penguin (Batman Returns [1992])
What I liked:
Honestly, Danny DeVito as Penguin is a highly quotable villain! Remember when he's alone with Batman in the cemetery and when questioned by Batman he retorts, "Ah, the direct approach! I love that in a man in a mask!" Amirite, Kelso? And if you take shots at him, you better believe he's coming for your nose! He was also the most sexual male villain if memory serves me correctly. Like for no reason just popping off with sexual innuendo while hatching plans.
What I didn't like:
As a kid I found him way too scary. I also don't like that he didn't have a physical showdown with Batman.
#6- Two-Face (The Dark Knight [2008])
What I liked:
Aaron Eckart's Harvey Dent is probably the most misunderstood character to ever be in a Batman film. His Harvey Dent is the whole point of the film he's in. Bruce Wayne needs Harvey to actually be a good person in order for him to feel good about hanging up the cape and cowl at one point. James Gordon needs Harvey to be a good person because he's desperate for people to trust. Finally, Joker needs Harvey to be perceived as a good person so that when he pushes him and he goes bad, it is a true defeat for every one involved. Having Two-Face fully 'formed' on screen is important to show just how dark and bad Harvey can go when he's pushed far enough. TL;DR: Harvey Dent turning into Two-Face is important and not rushed or unnecessary at all. Quit complaining that he wasn't saved for another film.
What I didn't like:
I hate that he didn't have Drew Barrymore and Debi Mazar as girlfriends! Just kidding. That scene in the courtroom where he punches a man who pulls a gun on him then continues to lawyer it up afterwards is always jarring and comes off as un-earned no matter how many times I see it.
#5- Catwoman (Batman Returns [1992])
What I liked:
Not only did I thoroughly enjoy the conflict she created for Batman in terms of hitting a woman and the whole falling for her thing, but ,she got revenge on Shreck! Michelle Pfeiffer created a villain you could root for until it wasn't time to anymore.
What I didn't like:
Much like Penguin, I found Catwoman absolutely frightening. Shoot her, electrify her, and drop her from various heights and she's still going to pop up before the credits at the end of the movie! No that's all cool I guess, now...
#4- Carmine Falcone (Batman Begins [2005])
What I liked:
There aren't many moments I can recall where a bad guy straight up sons Bruce Wayne. Falcone did just that in his movie, though. The way Tom Wilkinson delivers the speech completely strips Bruce of any notion of coming out on top in that situation and it's a really cool moment for a bad guy who doesn't have a mask or make up. All due respect to Joe Chill, but in Batman Begins, Falcone is definitely the real face of Bruce's parents' killer- that's huge!
What I didn't like:
Still a mob boss, tho...
#3- Bane (The Dark Knight Rises [2012])
What I liked:
No we weren't going to get Joker pt. 2 with Tom Hardy's performance. But what we did get was a voice we could imitate for years to come! In all seriousness though, watching Bane completely dismantle Batman was great. Actually gave me a sense that not everything would work out in the end. Plus the whole breaking the bat thing. I also don't get why people think Bane wasted time going to the pit with Bruce. His whole plan was showing Bruce the deterioration of his city. You think he didn't account for travel time? Nothing Bane did in that movie seemed like he was a big improviser.
What I didn't like:
It sucks that he was still just a pawn in Talia Al Ghul's plan to finish her father's work. Not as poorly pulled off as Bane from like 15 entries ago, but still the fact remains: Bane is capable of working on his own (unless he's convinced that he's Batman's brother for some reason). He is smart enough and strong enough to construct his own villainous plans against Batman.
#2- Joker (Batman [1989])
What I liked:
All the quotes! "Wait till the get a load of me" "Where does he get those toys?" "HE STOLE MY BALLOONS" and "Bob. Gun." I could go on. Seriously though. There has to be something about the Joker character that generally gets the best out of the people who portray him. Jack Nicholson didn't need any help getting people to think he's a great actor, but boy has this role cemented his place in my memory as one of the performances to beat. Plus if The King (T.I. for the uninitiated) is quoting you then you know you're work as an actor is truly transcendent.
What I didn't like:
I hate that seeing this movie made me think Joker killed Bruce parents for real. Minor quibble though.
#1- Joker (The Dark Knight [2008])
What I liked:
His plan worked. It's as simple as that. He pushed a "good" person so far that they flipped out and went around killing people. More importantly, he got Batman and Commissioner Gordon, the two arguably better men, to sacrifice their morals in order to catch him. Also his magic trick is amazing and he genuinely made me anxious every time he was on screen which is a good thing for a villain to do.
What I didn't like:
Heath Ledger sure did kill a lot more black people than anyone else on screen.