Top 10 FX Shows

I dropped the ball by not highlighting Insecure on the HBO list but I have had a lot more time to collect my thoughts and can present the best 10 shows from FX!

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The League (2009)

Best Reason to Watch:
Although The League is just funny in its own right, it was also the launch pad for many comedians and actors that were bubbling out of the spotlight.  It's one of those shows where you'll be like "Wow!  Oscar award winner, Brie Larson, plays a nanny on this show!"  In addition to the great athlete cameos.  Don't be put off by the hook of a group of friends who have a fantasy football league.  This show invests in its characters and is more than just a show about guys who need to check their lineup every now and then.

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Man Seeking Woman (2015)

Best Reason to Watch:
I love seeing my city on the big screen so all the Toronto locations are a plus for me!  Running into Eric André at the movie theatres is the cherry on top!  The surreal nature of the show is what the real selling point of this show though!  There are scenes where the deliberation over what kind of text to send is visualized as a situation room type situation from Dr. Strangelove.  There are casual references taking road trips to hell.  What I'm saying it's trippy and hits that bitter sweet/looking for love note I clearly like to watch.


#8- Justified (2010)

Best Reason to Watch:
Don't think I didn't get into this show as a follow up to Deadwood!  And don't think that they didn't invite some Deadwood alumni to join Timothy on Justified just to make sure I was happy.  This show is classic, "You know he's going to win but it's how he does it that makes it worth it."  Don't come to me with "I was never scared Raylan would die!" It's just fun to watch him take care of business while Walton Goggins' Boyd Crowder causes trouble from time to time.

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American Crime Story (2016)

Best Reason to Watch:
I feel like a lot of people decided there was no point in watching this season of American Crime Story since there was ample coverage of the O.J. trail.  As someone whose parents wisely censored most of the details of this case, I definitely enjoyed seeing this show.  However, there is a lot to be said about how the show dramatizes the moments in between all the things we saw on TV and heard on the radio.  Getting that insight and the deep dive into the various people around O.J. made this must watch appointment Television!


Archer (2009)

Best Reason to Watch:
You can't deny that H. Jon Benjamin has a cool voice.  Mixed with Adam Reed's writing and animation style, Archer is close to a perfect cartoon for me.  I can't help but enjoy all the word play and obscure references in the show.  I don't care that I have to look up some of the names that are brought up, it's all worth it.  Lana is all sorts of great as voiced by Ms Slow Jams her self, Aisha Tyler is all sorts of dope, you know how I feel about Jessica Walter and I am all in for recurring characters like Barry.  I guess what I'm saying is great characters, design, and smart writing all come together to make an amazing cartoon about spies and office politics!

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2005)

Best Reason to Watch:
It took me a while to get on board with this show.  Once I realized I was just supposed to watch the machinations of terrible people fall apart I was able to properly enjoy the show.  It was a paradigm shift for me, and I have to respect the show all the more for getting me over that hump.  A show that doesn't have anyone you can truly root for is a risk but it pays off.  Speaking of paying off, my now wife and I agreed that our first date would revolve around watching this show!


Atlanta (2016)

Best Reason to Watch:
It is no secret that I'm a Donald Glover/Childish Gambino fan.  I want to see him succeed.  But the Golden Globes and Emmys continue to validate my suspicion that Donald Glover knows what he's doing when it comes to writing comedy or anything really.  Atlanta is a solid slice of life type show that coaxes you into a dream like state where you don't mind the surreal moments that pop up sporadically.

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The Americans (2013)

Best Reason to Watch:
It says a lot about this show that I enjoy it as much as I do even though I check out during most scenes where people are only speaking Russian.  I'm missing out on at least 1/3 of the storyline of this show and I still think it's an amazing show.  I'm always in for Elizabeth and Philip's relationship.  It's like a weird romance story where a married couple has to learn how to actually love each other while their jobs have them sleeping with other people or actually marrying other people.  I'm also into their daughter Paige's storyline now and the neighbour, Stan, who is actually looking for them and doesn't know it, is always solid.


- Fargo (2014)

Best Reason to Watch:
I did not expect to like this show.  I definitely didn't think they could pull off the magic of the first season once again.  But, three seasons in, Fargo has proven it is must watch TV.  I appreciate that they can keep everything in the same universe but aren't tied to keeping the same characters as the focus of each season.  I didn't think I would but I definitely do.  That's pretty much the charm of Fargo, it's something you think shouldn't work but excels in ways you didn't even think of.

The Shield (2002)

Best Reason to Watch:
Honestly watch the first episode of this show and tell me you don't want to see every episode after that.  This show is in the same vein as The Wire and Oz in terms of the way it pushed what people are willing to accept and expect from a TV show.  Having someone I saw as The Thing on TV tackling burning faces and sticking guns in women's mouths was jarring to say the least.  However, it all comes together for gripping television and Walton Goggins is truly a wonder to watch in this show and most other shows.