10 of the Best Robert Downey Jr. Performances

I feel like it almost goes without saying… there’s going to be a lot of Iron Man talk during this post!

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As Wayne Gale in… Natural Born Killers (1994)

Why Though:
Sorry if you think this performance should be higher. I only liked two things about this movie. RDJ’s performance and the inclusion of Rodney Dangerfield… as dark and uncomfortable as it was. I think the movie was a bit too dark for me. I suppose that makes me soft. But I am a big Quentin fan so for me to say this was too violent and dark, then that’s gotta count for something. Plus, if memory serves, Quentin didn’t like what was done with his script either.

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As James Barris in… A Scanner Darkly (2006)

Why Though:
I think I only watched this movie because I knew Robert was going to be Iron Man. I remember thinking he brought a great energy to the screen but I couldn’t get over the fact that he was the guy who got kicked off Ally McBeal… sorry I can’t help when I was born/introduced to RDJ. I think the fact that I don’t have concrete memories of the movie speaks to its lower spot on this list. But hey! At least it made the list.

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As Tony Stark/Iron Man in… The Avengers (2012)

Why Though:
Here we are! The first of many Iron Man entries. I love The Avengers in particular. So much so, that I’d argue with my good friend Paul about it on Let’s Discuss Films. The important thing about this performance was how Robert wasn’t washed out by all the other heroes in the movie. He’d only had to play by himself or show up in Hulk post credits where he could be the star. I think this performance proved that the MCU plan could work and all these characters could actually work on screen together without anyone having to sacrifice what makes them great.


As Paul Avery in… Zodiac (2007)

Why Though:
It only makes sense that my favourite Fincher film would feature one of my favourite RDJ performances. Everything I like about this performance is what I like about Mr. Downey’s Tony Stark really. He thinks he’s the smartest one in the room and I kinda want to let him follow his instincts to see where it leads.

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As Tony Stark/Iron Man in… Iron Man (2008)

Why Though:
Nope this isn’t the last Iron Man entry! This performance not only made me like Iron Man but it definitely made me like Robert Downey Jr. Or at least it made me hope that he’d be exactly like Tony in real life. What an endlessly fun guy to be around who can’t even be held in a cave with shrapnel in his chest. Smarts and humour. What’s not to love? Other than the dismissive attitude and snark… At the end of the day, This feels like a definitive take on the character. If anyone tries to replace RDJ on the big screen, they’ll have some big shoes to fill.

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As Tony Stark/Iron Man in… Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

Why Though:
If you’re scratching your head, just direct your attention to how well I think Tony did in Infinity War. This performance is important to me because I feel like it proved Robert could find new things to explore with Tony. It’s a performance that acknowledges everything that came before and rewards people like me who have been waiting to see Iron Man prove Cap wrong and actually jump on that grenade to save the team.

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As Harry Lockhart in… Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)

Why Though:
I know this performance is great because I saw like 3 minutes of it by chance one time before having to leave the comfort of my couch and I sought this movie out. Not only do I love the movie as a whole, it’s a very fun RDJ performance that doesn’t involve blasters and heads up displays. As a bonus, it features the sixth best Batman!

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As Tony Stark/Iron Man in… Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Why Though:
I love Civil War. I don’t care what anyone thinks of that. This is the best Iron Man performance because you actually learn a lot about him and it’s not even an Iron Man movie. Tony is essentially the villain in this movie, word to him getting worked over by Cap and his assassinating friend, Bucky, during the final battle and yet I’m there for him when he abandons all diplomacy by stating “He killed my mom.” That delivery alone is some of the realest stuff in a comic book movie I’ve seen. Iron Man’s anger over being lied to someone he considered a friend and the sorrow he feels about his parents’ deaths are so palpable.

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As Kirk Lazarus in… Tropic Thunder (2008)

Why Though:
I can already hear my mother’s eyes rolling. I don’t want to defend my love for this movie. You can listen to me discuss it with my good friend Ian on Let’s Discuss Films. There may be more insight there. Or not. The one thing I will dig into is the fact that this role doesn’t feel like a typical RDJ performance. Which is to say it doesn’t feel like a different version of Tony Stark. Kirk as whoever he’s playing at the moment feels like a completely different actor at work. I truly appreciate that and the movie.


As Charles Spencer Chaplin in… Chaplin (1992)

Why Though:
Much like Tropic Thunder, I appreciate that this performance feels like a different mode for Robert. Like he’s really acting and trying instead of relying on his effortless charm in roles like Tony Stark. I’m aware that this movie is from the early 90s… but I think it’s great that RDJ has this performance as proof that he’s not a one trick (and what a great trick it is) pony.